HOME REVIEWS Amazon’s Echo Auto is now available in Canada!

Amazon’s Echo Auto is now available in Canada!

Sean C. Resident Copy Writer/Executive Editor

"Alexa, take me to the nearest car dealership!"

For just $70 on Amazon, you can transform your old car into a smart car!

Amazon's Echo Auto was introduced back in 2018 in the U.S and was designed to bring the convenience of voice command options to vehicles that wouldn't normally have them. The device works in conjunction with Bluetooth pairings as well as auxiliary cords.

With the Echo Auto, you can play music, set reminders, use your map & do so much more on your phone, all without lifting a finger. The Echo Auto takes away the need for you to pick up your phone, reducing the risk of distracted driving.

The map feature is extremely convenient, allowing you to set names for certain locations like "Home" or "Work". Once you've set-up the location, simply say the location name, and Alexa will open up the map, set the best route, and you're on your way!

The device also has over eight microphones, making it easy to hear your voice commands over the sounds of traffic, the A/C, etc.

Overall, the Echo Auto would be a convenient, cost-effective addition to any vehicle and would help improve your overall driving experience.